SPORTS YOU COACH: Softball C and Basketball
HOW YOU BECAME INVOLVED: Being good friends with Zak and Jimmy, I was always aware of their involvement in Special Olympics. I happened to run into Zak about a year ago and was asked to help out as a volunteer at the 2011 March Madness tournament. After helping out with the tournamnet and experiencing first hand the dedication, positive attitude, and passion that the athletes displayed, I knew that I wanted to get more involved. I continued to help out as a volunteer, assisting at various events such as the Walkathon and the Marathon of Sports. Eventually, the opportunity for me to become a coach was presented and I haven’t looked back since.
WHAT YOU LIKE ABOUT COACHING SPECIAL O ATHLETES: Special O athletes display a tremendous amount of appreciation towards there coaching staff. If you were to run into a Special O athlete at the mall – or anywhere – they would shout out “HEY COACH!” and be extremely excited to see you. I don’t feel like I get that level of appreciation from anyone else. Also, Special O athletes have positive attitudes in their sport. In practices and in games, I’ll always hear athletes congratulating one another or cheering another team mate on! This characteristic of the athletes creates a great atmosphere to be a part of.
BEST ACCOMPLISHMENT IN COACHING: My best accomplishment was being asked to coach the North Shore Wildcats (B) team in the 2012 March Madness Tournament. It was a great honor and I felt that it was an extremely valuable experience.