Emma Clark


Best accomplishments in coaching:
Watching all our basketball athletes performing at March Madness. The smiles and enthusiasm that they projected gave me an amazing feeling of pride, and excitement. The opportunity to get to know each and every one of them even a little bit better has been a phenomenal opportunity.
Sports you coach:
I started of by coaching the swimming programs on Saturday morning and had a lot of fun! When the swim season ended I had just started with soccer and basketball and at the moment I am just coaching basketball, although I am a sub for the swim practices.

Years involved with the special olympics:
I have been involved for three years now.

What you like about coaching special O athletes:
Everything! The enthusiasm that greets you when you walk into a practice is enough to make you smile any day. Watching athletes accomplish their goals with or without your help is incredible to see. I also really enjoy when an athletes have a chance to teach us




