David MacLean

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Best accomplishments in coaching:  I’m actually proudest of the culture of the team. A couple of years ago who was team captain, assistant captain and so on just wasn’t an issue.. To me the team worked well that year.    I like the model of an ‘expedition’ -We’re climbing that mountain and it’s up to us to help each other reach the top.  -And of course we’ve going to the Provincials this season which is terrific, but for me the ‘top” represents our best effort rather than our best result.

Sports you coach: Floor Hockey B.


Years involved with the special olympics:  I‘ve been involved since 2000, 14 years.

What you like about coaching Special O athletes: -It’s about bringing the best out of each other, so getting the know the team, individually and collectively. In Special Olympics going beyond the norm can become the norm and I certainly like that. We can’t ask anything of the athletes we don’t believe and do ourselves.  And it’s worth noting that North Shore Cougars enjoy fantastic support from assistant coaches, volunteers, SOBC coordinators, and well, on and on. Sounds like fun to me.