Michelle Popielarz

Years involved with Special Olympics: 5 months as an assistant coach

Sport(s) you coach: 5 Pin Bowling

How you became involved: I have been working with intellectually disabled children and youth for the past 2 and a half years and wanted to become more actively involved in the community. As I am also an artistic gymnastics coach, I thought what better way to use my experience than to apply for a coaching position within the Special Olympics. It has been one of the most rewarding choices I have made to date!

What do I like about coaching Special O athletes: I enjoy it all! The welcoming arms of athletes when I first arrive for practice, the excitement an athlete feels when having overcome a challenge, the positive atmosphere of each practice, and so on. There is nothing better than coaching athletes who appreciate every minute of your time.

Best accomplishments: The ability to effectively use my past coaching experience and skills to aid athletes in achieving their full potential.