Joan Carlile

Years Involved With Special Olympics: 19 years

What Is Your Volunteer Position: Wow, there have been a few!  I have been the Fundraising Chair, the Head Coach for Snowshoeing and Dryland Training, Track and Field Coach, and 5-pin Bowling Scorekeeper, organized 12 swim meets and banquets for our swim program.  I am presently a  coach/manager for the swim program,  a coach/manager for the golf program, MC for the Walkathon, Chair of the Awards and Recognition Committee, helping with fundraising events, – Fashion Show and grants.

How You Became Involved:  Through Bonnie Cadman. Nineteen years ago, Bonnie told me about the Special Olympic swim program that was taking place at William Griffin Pool.  She knew that my daughter, Corrie, liked to swim, and encouraged us to come out and try it.  The rest is history!

What You Like About Volunteering: Volunteering gives me the opportunity to give back to my community.  I am able to use my coaching, teaching and organizational skills to work with an incredible group of athletes, who give their best every time they practice or compete.  But, in truth, I believe the athletes have taught me much more than I have taught them.  I also enjoy working with the other coaches and parents.  I have formed many lasting friendships.

Most Memorable Moment Or Event As A Volunteer:  It is very hard to pin it down to one moment.  But, here are a few: Watching Drew Matheson run on his snowshoes, seeing George Doykov gain enough confidence to swim without a life jacket, seeing the look on Mark Stevens’ face when his golf club makes good contact with the ball, traveling with Team BC, being a training coach for Provincial, National and International Games. And, many, many more!