Celia Grant


SPORTS YOU COACH:  Rhythmic Gymnastics

HOW YOU BECAME INVOLVED:  I have wanted to  be involved with Special Athletes for many many years, but could not manage the time with two small children and a full-time daycare business in my home .Three years ago, an acquaintance mentioned that she was going to volunteer her time with the  Special O athletes, and guided me to the contact person.

I have my ECE and Special Needs Diploma and have many years experience working with children, teens and adults ranging in ages of 0 – 25.

In the early 80’s I volunteered my time once a week,at 19 years of age working in “Prince Charles School”. I knew from an early age that I enjoyed and found it very rewarding to work with Special Needs people. Teaching is the umbrella for my passions in life, working with children and instructing fitness. I was certain that I would eventually share my time again someway, somehow.

WHAT YOU LIKE ABOUT COACHING SPECIAL O ATHLETES: The most pleasure I receive from coaching these young athletes, is their devotion to others,  relentless determination and enthusiasm to keep working and moving closer to  their goal. It is also very gratifying for me to be able to use my personal training skills and knowledge of working with children together with the end result, of lots of  happy smiles and a sense of accomplishment for everyone.

BEST ACCOMPLISHMENT IN COACHING: Oh, without a doubt, for me to learn 4 routines that move with music in a sport I knew nothing about. I am still learning and refining and…… Taking the girls to their first Rhythmic Gym Meet and the sense of pride I felt for them and their hard work. Its all about them..